Thursday, December 11, 2008

Behind Again, What's new?

Got my new camera on Monday and I have been playing and forgot to post. Oops! I went to Opryland Monday to take some pics and then went back and played some more tonight. I have to resize the pics then I can post some.

*If you could go back in American History to experience Christmas dinner and conversation with a typical family of that day, which of the following years would you want to go back to? A: 1620,the year the Mayflower arrived B: 1787,the year the Constitution was signed C: 1863, midway through the American Civil War D: 1899, the turn of the century. I would have to pick C, I would love to sit down with one family from each side and talk to them about their feelings.

*If luck favored you and you won $100,000 during the holiday season, what percent of your winnings (if any) do you think you'd give away to others? Probably 70 to 80%, I would buy everyone I know Christmas presents. I love to watch people light up when they get something they really want.

*Which of the following, if it were completely and permanently removed from the holiday season, would be the most difficult for you to get along without- Christmas Lights, Christmas Music, or Christmas Parties? Think Carefully! Well the parties I can do without, just like this years office party. If it wasn't at one on the 22nd I could head on home Friday night after work instead of Monday. I love the lights and the music pretty equally, so not sure I could pick. Someone would have to pick for me. (Then I probably wouldn't like them to much anymore:).

Sunday, December 7, 2008

*Do you ever listen to Christmas Music out of season? Yes, when I was younger I would start in July, now I usually wait until September or October.

*Whose televised Christmas special do you anticipate the most each year? Used to be the Little Drummer Boy, now it's all of the movies on Lifetime and Hallmark.

*What is the oldest ornament on your Christmas tree? A pink diamond that was on mom and dad's first tree.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Running late!

Friday's Questions:

*When does your family tradiotionally open gifts? Christmas Morning

What's the largest Christmas Day (or Christmas Eve) gathering you have ever attended? Christmas day would have to be at Bro. Otha and Sis. Rhoda's house. Christmas Eve would be last year when I attended the midnight Candle Service at Christ Church.

*If you were to receive a tin of all the same kind of nut, would you want it to be cashews, filberts, pecans or pistachios? I would have to say pistachios, I had never even tried them until someone sent us a bunch of things for Christmas in Iraq. They turned out to be my fave.

*Which do you enjoy more, giving or receiving? I would have to say giving. I love to see the looks on someone's face when they open somthing that they really want.

Saturday's Questions!

*What is one thing that you have always wanted to do for the holidays, but never have? I want to go to Jackson Hole, Wyoming with someone special, rent a cabin, build a huge fire in the fireplace, and play in the snow.

*If any Christmas song was to bring you to tears, which one would it be? Christmas Shoes, by Newsong

*In which location would you rather spend Christmas, Colorado, Tennessee or Vermont? Well since I have had the chance for a Tender Tennessee Christmas, I would have to say Colorado. Snow, fireplace, mountains, the perfect holiday setting.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Well before I continue with my Christmas questions, I have to tell you that Festus says he wants to play too. I have the numbers of the all the questions in a basket to pick out each day. Just as I started to answer the first question tonight I heard a noise. Turned around and Festus had taken out four questions and was playing with them. Should have taken a pic. Maybe I will remember to do that more often when I get my new camera.

* What's your preferred method of displaying Christmas Cards? I hang a piece of yarn or jute around the doorways of my apartment and hang the cards on them with some mini Christmas clothespins that I picked up at the dollar tree.

*In your opinion , how many inches (if any) would be the ideal accumulation of snow for a white Christmas. I would love to have about six inches of snow.

*If you were hosting a small group of people for a Christmas party and had to choose something other than showing a movie for the entertainment, what would you choose? games, right now my choice would be Apples to Apples, we played it at Thanksgiving and had a BLAST!, for a larger group I also like pictionary.

*If you were going to go out for dinner on Christmas Day, would you tip more than usual since the waiter or waitress is working on the holiday? It would depend on if she was friendly or acting like she would rather be anywhere else. I have worked retail and in the resturant business on the holidays and I know it sucks to have to work them but, it is possible to make the customers "THINK" you wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Holidays

So I am running just a little behind. Just realized that I did not post in the month of November at all. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Just wanted to share a few of my favorite Thanksgiving memories.

*The Thanksgiving that we were playing badminton and listening to Kenny and Dolly Christmas as loud as it would go.
*When I was in Iraq our LTC's wife sent us a smoker and we bought two live turkey's off of the locals and smoked them. It was really good.
*Going "home" to Missouri for Thanksgiving last year.
*Having the most AWESOME friends here in Nashville, that I have spent every Thanksgiving but last year with. We eat way to much, play games and this year we had an official Christmas lighting.

I have been blessed with some of the best friends that anyone could ever have. Just want to let all of you know that I LOVE you very much!!

Now on to Christmas:)

I have a coffee table book that is a book of conversation pieces. I am going to pick two or three a day for the month of Christmas.

*If you could spend Christmas Day with any TV family, past or present, with which family would you choose to celebrate? I would like to spend Christmas on Walton's Mountain with the whole Walton Gang.

*If an acquaintance wanted to spend about $15 on a gift for you, what would you suggest that he/she buy? a cd or a movie

*What is one thing that you will do this Christmas that you were unable to do last year? I am going to spend Chrismas in Mississippi this year. The last time I did that for Christmas it snowed here in TN, if it happens again this year, then they have to come see me from now on.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


This was the first time that I have voted early. It was a different experience, I waited in line for 40 minutes and I am used to just walking in and walking out.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Guess who I am supporting in the election!

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My New Car

Okay, I think I need to give up on this blogging thing. I don't know how to keep up with it. I have got to do better. Sitting here watching the debate and decided to come on over here and update since I have to mute half of the debate. Most of what comes out of Obama's mouth makes me want to throw things at the TV and say words that my mother would keel over and die if she heard me say them. So on with the new car. Here are the pics. I LOVE it. It is a 2007 Chrysler Sebring.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Write about the last social event you attended.

It has been way to long since I have posted. I pulled a slip out of the journaling jar for tonight's post.

This weekend I attended two. Friday night me and two good friends went to Knoxville. Randy Owen put on a benefit concert for the church in Knoxville that was struck by tragedy when a gunman entered and shot 9 people, killing two. One of Randy's guitar players is a really good friend and we went to support them. It was awesome, Randy sang for almost two hours, originals, old Alabama classics and he even asked Wade to do one of his own. He sang "Old Enough To Know Better", and was amazed at the whole building singing right along with him just like they were with Randy.

Last night, we headed over to Pottsville, TN to Marcy Jo's. They hold a songwriter's night once a month. Joey and Rory, the hosts, asked Wade to join them this month. AWESOME! We pulled up to a little country restuarant in the middle of nowhere and out back was a haywagon that was the stage. They served homemade desserts, tea, lemonade and coffee and we all just enjoyed some GREAT music.

For more info on the great artists that I heard this weekend checkout the following websites.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Just for James

Outside playing with his fave toy.

At the office. Had to go to work with me a few days while he had his stitches in.

At the office trying to sweet talk Vicki into giving him some chicken.

Friday, July 4, 2008


Patriotic: n. devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty.

Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference. Ones who serve in the military don't have that problem. ~Ronald Reagan~

For those who fought for it, FREEDOM has a flavor the protected will never know.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Today's Project

The purse I finished tonight. It is Strawberry Shortcake. I am hooked on making these. I will have more purses than I can ever carry if I keep this up. LOL

I also got three more that I will be finished with tomorrow night. YEAH!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Latest project

Finally got my purse done that I started on this morning. I was about half through when the net went down and I was following a pattern from a friends blog. I did get another one cut out while the net was down though and after I grab a bite to eat I am going to start sewing that one.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I Told You!

Moon as the sun was starting to set. Sunset
Moon around 9pm
Roses from the bushes around my apartment complex.

Taken inside Opryland Hotel

The first thing that I said in my very first post that I was the worlds worst about staying in touch. Well as you can tell from the time in between posts, that is the absolute truth. So much has happened since the last post. I posted about my fave gospel singer of all time last time "Ms. Dottie Rambo". Living here in Nashville, I was blessed with the oppurtunity to attend her "Homegoing Celebration". It was one of the most moving experiences of my life. I got such a blessing out of the service. I can just imagine her standing for hours on end(something she hadn't been able to do for years) singing those beautiful songs that she wrote and teaching the angels how to sing them. My nephew who will be three next month had a bout with E-Coli and went through a really rough time. Got so bad that his kidney's even shut down. Happy to report thought that the kidneys are back better than ever and he is getting stronger every day. Thank you Jesus! He is still healing! I am going to share a few more pics with you tonight too, and this goes to show you the beauty of his creation. We should all take some time out to smell the roses and thank the Lord for all of his blessings on us each and everyday. I know, I myself, do not thank him near enough for everything that he does for me.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

In Memory of Dottie Rambo

From as far back as I can remember there was always a Rambo's album playing in our house. In fact just this morning as I was working in my craft room the first CD I put in was Stand By The River. When it went off for some reason this morning I just felt the need to push play again. When I logged onto the net a few hours ago I was shocked when I saw the news of her passing. she will be missed by all who were blessed by her music.

Miss Dottie is no longer homesick! She is "Sheltered Safe in the Arms of God" singing and shouting around the throne tonight. She left this world doing what she loved the most, touring to sing the gospel.

Please keep her family and friends in your prayers.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

A few pics taken at the Bell South Building and Market Street Apartments.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

WKDF Birthday Bash

Trisha Yearwood

Bucky Covington

Larry Stewart

Wade Hayes

I attended the WKDF 103 Birthday Bast Sunday night and thought I would share a few pics.